The Inner And Outer Roles Of Kara Explained

Kara, the organization in Boruto Naruto Next Generations that needs more explanation. Well, today we are going to hopefully clarify some details about this new organization. We are going to be discussing the Inner and Outer roles of Kara members.

The Inner And Outer Roles Of Kara Explained

So to begin with, Kara are the new “big threat” in the Boruto Naruto Next Generations manga. They have been noted in 3 chapters so far but have given little to no information as their discussions ands interactions have been brief and very vague.

The Inner And Outer Roles Of Kara Explained

In Chapter 15, Kara was first introduced when Shojoji (Leader of the Mujina Bandits) gave away their existence from Interrogation by Sasuke Uchiha. Shojoji connected them as a group who is involved with Boruto’s curse mark. That is where we first saw the curse marks from Kawaki and Boruto’s arm on paper.

In Chapter 16, we saw the first conversations of Kara take place between “inners.” Inner members are more important as they have more authority over different sectors of the business. Kara is an organization that runs on wealth and is run like a business. The inner members have a roman numeral mark on them to represent what number they are. Here is where we learned of Jigen, Kashin Koji, as well as a few others that were inners. Jigen also possessed a curse mark on his chin. We also learned of their “vessel” and that it is lost in the fire country.

The Inner And Outer Roles Of Kara Explained

In Chapter 17, we learned that there also “outer” members. Outer members of Kara can even be shinobi who are dedicated to a village but secretly work for another source. As we learned in Chapter 17, Ao from the Hidden Mist Village is an outer member of Kara. We can tell the outer members are not in on the most current information, as Koji had to tell Ao that the vessel went missing and that he required Ao’s help to stop Boruto from delivering Scientific Ninja Tech.

The Inner And Outer Roles Of Kara Explained

So all in all even though we have little information, we can infer that the members are separated in multiple ways. Outer members are in secrecy of unveiling the goal of the inner members. Kara is run on a financial budget in which the inner members arranged to acquire the vessel. They said that they had to buy out an entire country in order to receive the vessel. And even though we don’t know what that vessel is, we do know it is worth a country. Kara inners are responsible for operate departments of the organization and have outers help run that sector. It was clear to us that this relationship was established when Koji asked Ao for assistance.

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